# HELP dotnet_collection_count_total GC collection count # TYPE dotnet_collection_count_total counter dotnet_collection_count_total{generation="0"} 65631 dotnet_collection_count_total{generation="2"} 8844 dotnet_collection_count_total{generation="1"} 27020 # HELP dotnet_threadpool_num_threads The number of active threads in the thread pool # TYPE dotnet_threadpool_num_threads gauge dotnet_threadpool_num_threads 5 # HELP dotnet_gc_allocated_bytes_total The total number of bytes allocated on the managed heap # TYPE dotnet_gc_allocated_bytes_total counter dotnet_gc_allocated_bytes_total 521435655176 # HELP dotnet_contention_total The number of locks contended # TYPE dotnet_contention_total counter dotnet_contention_total 84790 # HELP exportservice_messages_processed Number of messages processed # TYPE exportservice_messages_processed counter exportservice_messages_processed 8047 # HELP process_start_time_seconds Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds. # TYPE process_start_time_seconds gauge process_start_time_seconds 1718167319.9330316 # HELP dotnet_internal_recycle_count prometheus-net.DotNetRuntime internal metric. Counts the number of times the underlying event listeners have been recycled # TYPE dotnet_internal_recycle_count counter dotnet_internal_recycle_count 129 # HELP process_working_set_bytes Process working set # TYPE process_working_set_bytes gauge process_working_set_bytes 107782144 # HELP dotnet_sockets_connections_established_incoming_total The total number of incoming established TCP connections # TYPE dotnet_sockets_connections_established_incoming_total counter dotnet_sockets_connections_established_incoming_total 10676 # HELP dotnet_gc_collection_count_total Counts the number of garbage collections that have occurred, broken down by generation number. # TYPE dotnet_gc_collection_count_total counter dotnet_gc_collection_count_total{gc_generation="0"} 65631 dotnet_gc_collection_count_total{gc_generation="2"} 8844 dotnet_gc_collection_count_total{gc_generation="1"} 27020 # HELP dotnet_threadpool_throughput_total The total number of work items that have finished execution in the thread pool # TYPE dotnet_threadpool_throughput_total counter dotnet_threadpool_throughput_total 13312440 # HELP dotnet_exceptions_total Count of exceptions thrown # TYPE dotnet_exceptions_total counter dotnet_exceptions_total 14376 # HELP dotnet_gc_memory_total_available_bytes The upper limit on the amount of physical memory .NET can allocate to # TYPE dotnet_gc_memory_total_available_bytes gauge dotnet_gc_memory_total_available_bytes 30792867840 # HELP dotnet_sockets_connections_established_outgoing_total The total number of outgoing established TCP connections # TYPE dotnet_sockets_connections_established_outgoing_total counter dotnet_sockets_connections_established_outgoing_total 71 # HELP dotnet_gc_pause_ratio The percentage of time the process spent paused for garbage collection # TYPE dotnet_gc_pause_ratio gauge dotnet_gc_pause_ratio 0 # HELP process_cpu_seconds_total Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds. # TYPE process_cpu_seconds_total counter process_cpu_seconds_total 17141.77 # HELP dotnet_jit_method_total Total number of methods compiled by the JIT compiler # TYPE dotnet_jit_method_total counter dotnet_jit_method_total 11717 # HELP exportservice_global_exceptions Number of global exceptions # TYPE exportservice_global_exceptions counter exportservice_global_exceptions 0 # HELP process_open_handles Number of open handles # TYPE process_open_handles gauge process_open_handles 257 # HELP dotnet_total_memory_bytes Total known allocated memory # TYPE dotnet_total_memory_bytes gauge dotnet_total_memory_bytes 6957016 # HELP dotnet_threadpool_queue_length Measures the queue length of the thread pool. Values greater than 0 indicate a backlog of work for the threadpool to process. # TYPE dotnet_threadpool_queue_length histogram dotnet_threadpool_queue_length_sum 715 dotnet_threadpool_queue_length_count 11165597 dotnet_threadpool_queue_length_bucket{le="0"} 11164886 dotnet_threadpool_queue_length_bucket{le="1"} 11165593 dotnet_threadpool_queue_length_bucket{le="10"} 11165597 dotnet_threadpool_queue_length_bucket{le="100"} 11165597 dotnet_threadpool_queue_length_bucket{le="1000"} 11165597 dotnet_threadpool_queue_length_bucket{le="+Inf"} 11165597 # HELP process_cpu_count The number of processor cores available to this process. # TYPE process_cpu_count gauge process_cpu_count 8 # HELP process_num_threads Total number of threads # TYPE process_num_threads gauge process_num_threads 17 # HELP process_private_memory_bytes Process private memory size # TYPE process_private_memory_bytes gauge process_private_memory_bytes 226103296 # HELP dotnet_build_info Build information about prometheus-net.DotNetRuntime and the environment # TYPE dotnet_build_info gauge dotnet_build_info{version="",target_framework=".NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0",runtime_version=".NET 7.0.15",os_version="Linux 5.15.0-107-generic #117-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 26 12:26:49 UTC 2024",process_architecture="X64",gc_mode="Workstation"} 1 # HELP dotnet_jit_il_bytes Total bytes of IL compiled by the JIT compiler # TYPE dotnet_jit_il_bytes gauge dotnet_jit_il_bytes 924010 # HELP dotnet_sockets_bytes_sent_total The total number of bytes sent over the network # TYPE dotnet_sockets_bytes_sent_total counter dotnet_sockets_bytes_sent_total 10240840418 # HELP exportservice_error_task_counter Number of tasks in error # TYPE exportservice_error_task_counter counter exportservice_error_task_counter 1 # HELP exportservice_success_task_counter Number of tasks succeeded # TYPE exportservice_success_task_counter counter exportservice_success_task_counter 8046 # HELP process_virtual_memory_bytes Virtual memory size in bytes. # TYPE process_virtual_memory_bytes gauge process_virtual_memory_bytes 281176117248 # HELP exportservice_version Software version # TYPE exportservice_version gauge exportservice_version{version=""} 1 # HELP dotnet_threadpool_timer_count The number of timers active # TYPE dotnet_threadpool_timer_count gauge dotnet_threadpool_timer_count 5 # HELP dotnet_sockets_bytes_received_total The total number of bytes received over the network # TYPE dotnet_sockets_bytes_received_total counter dotnet_sockets_bytes_received_total 3857097507 # HELP dotnet_gc_heap_size_bytes The current size of all heaps (only updated after a garbage collection) # TYPE dotnet_gc_heap_size_bytes gauge dotnet_gc_heap_size_bytes{gc_generation="loh"} 622896 dotnet_gc_heap_size_bytes{gc_generation="0"} 3376296 dotnet_gc_heap_size_bytes{gc_generation="2"} 3367192 dotnet_gc_heap_size_bytes{gc_generation="1"} 152544